Water and Sewer Service Areas
Drinking Water Service Areas
The Authority serves water to over 30,000 Schuylkill County residents in all or portions of 24 different municipalities:
Blythe Township | Branch Township | Butler Township | Cass Township | East Norwegian Township |
Frailey Township | Foster Township | Mahanoy Township | Mechanicsville Borough | Mount Carbon Borough |
New Castle Township | North Manheim Township | Norwegian Township | Palo Alto Borough | Pottsville |
Port Carbon Borough | Ryan Township | Saint Clair Borough | Tremont Borough | Tremont Township |
West Brunswick Township | West Mahanoy Township | Reilly Township | Pine Grove Township |
Sanitary Sewer Service Areas
The Authority provides collection, conveyance and treatment services for sanitary sewage generated in 12 municipalities including:
Auburn Borough | Butler Township | Branch Township | Cass Township | Deer Lake Borough |
Foster Township | Frailey Township | Gordon Borough | Tremont Borough | Tremont Township |
West Brunswick Township | Mahanoy Township |